financialplus.org | Back to Portfolio
We’ve worked with Financial Plus Credit Union for many years and had a blast giving their website a whole new look and feel. This project included more than just a website redesign, it actually all started with a refresh of their branding. The new look that was developed took a much cleaner and simpler approach than their old branding. We wanted something that would be more usable on all modern platforms and recognizable to their members going forward. After spending so much time getting the branding perfect, the site fell into place fairly easily. Following the new guidelines of the brand, we were able to make the site user friendly, modern, and very sharp to look at. It has a constant style that follows through to every element and moment presented on the pages. Financial Plus gave our design team a lot of room to take risks and be creative, and the end result ends up speaking for itself. This has been a wonderfully fun project to collaborate with the credit union on.